
Bible study fellowship
Bible study fellowship

bible study fellowship

“Unending life and joy reaching forever into eternity-that is eternal life! Believers receive this gift immediately. Something else I appreciated is how the Notes teach that eternal life is a present possession for believers:

bible study fellowship

It doesn’t matter if your faith is “personal” or “impersonal.” That’s not a Biblical distinction. The truth is, if you believe in Jesus-if you are persuaded that what He promises is true-you have eternal life. Amen! But I have to ask, what is the opposite of “personal belief”- impersonal belief? What is that? This kind of language can confuse people because it suggests there might be different ways of believing (impersonal vs personal), instead of different objects of faith (the saving message vs a non-saving message). I’m glad the Notes say that you get eternal life by belief in Jesus. “Eternal life comes only through personal belief in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whom the signs reveal” (BSF Introduction Lesson, p. Not at all! For example, here are some good things in the Introduction Lesson: Now, I’m not saying the Notes are rubbish. It seems they do this most often by redefining faith to include good works. I was disappointed to read how often the Notes changed the promise of life from a message of salvation through belief in Jesus, to a message of salvation by obedience.

bible study fellowship

This past semester they went through the Gospel of John. But I hope, like any other ministry, they are open to some constructive criticism. Please check with your Online Group Leader to make sure there is room in your group for your friend before inviting them.Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) has done much good, teaching people the Bible. An automated email will be sent to your friend, inviting them to join your group. Under the My Group page you will find the ‘ Invite Friend’ option where you are able to enter in your friend’s name and email address. Online Groups can be on different schedules, so be sure to check with your Online Group Leader for which lesson you should be on that week. Lesson materials such as the lesson questions, notes, lecture podcast and extras may be found under My Lessons, in the upper right-hand side of the web page. Account Settings is also where you will change your Display Language.

Bible study fellowship update#

If you need to update your email address or password you may do so under the Navigation menu, Account > Account Settings. If you need to update your profile at any time (such as upload a profile photo, change your name, time zone or additional information) you may do so under the Navigation menu, Account > Edit Profile. On the create an account page, the website auto detects your time zone and sets it for you. You will see the group meeting times in your time zone. The website converts and displays the times based on your time zone setting. It is critical to verify your time zone is set correctly. Creating a new email address specifically for your BSF Online account can be helpful. For example, if you share your email address with your spouse, you cannot create separate BSF Online accounts using the same shared email address. You must use an unique email address to create your account. BSF Online offers the flexibility to change your group when your life changes. You can switch groups or leave your group at any time. When you select “Join” for a specific group you will be prompted to sign in or create an account. Select a group that works best for your weekly schedule and preferences to maximize your availability to attend. Select the ‘Apply Filters’ button to see your filtered information. Use the ‘Keyword Search’ field to help locate a specific group (e.g. Use these filters to find available groups with qualities that are most important to you. Use the filter to find available groups based on their meeting day, meeting time, gender, language, age range and common interest. The website will convert the group meeting times to YOUR time zone for you. Verify your time zone at the top of the web page. To find a group, go to the Find a Group page. General "About Us" information along with a promotional video may be found here: Your Online Group Leader will contact you soon to provide group details and which lesson to get started on. The following steps will guide you to get started as an Online Group Member: Welcome to Bible Study Fellowship Online where you can do in-depth Bible study anytime and from anywhere.

Bible study fellowship