Breathable Gagīreathable ball gags are pretty similar to regular ones except the fact that they have tiny holes in them. However, if you were to categorize ball gags into types, you’d come up with the following three. Types of Ball Gagsīall gags themselves are a type of gags so there’s not much to say in the category department. Plus, on top of it all, the right ball gag can look pretty badass too. This is precisely why ball gags are perfect for a couple that are already into bondage play and want to kick things up a notch. This is something that absolutely nothing in BDSM can replace. It’s humiliating for your partner to be in this state. The gag restricts your mouth, you can’t speak, you can’t even yell which adds a certain amount of helplessness to the whole scenario. Well, if it’s not obvious already, gags are used for BDSM. The toy itself is practically useless, however, it can add a lot of kink to your sessions. If you’re wondering what ball gags actually do, well, apart from keeping your partner silent, absolutely nothing. It’s a bondage equipment used for a very specific type of sex. We’ve all seen ball gags used in movies, shows, and most importantly, porn.

What else could you possibly need to know. In case, you’re trying to see what they’re all about or want to actually go out and buy one right now, we’re going to go over all the basics of ball gags for you to comprehend exactly what you’re dealing with. So, if you’re a sex toy fanatic with crazy fetishes, ball gags might be right up your alley. However, we say give it a shot before you completely turn down the idea of such an exotic sex toy.

We’re going to be the first to say that ball gags aren’t for everyone and there’s a very good chance that you’d recoil at the mere sentence of your partner wanting to try out ball gags. A lot of you probably aren’t into exotic and kinky sex toys that are probably only used by people with a very specific fetish.